Sunday, July 5, 2009

I'm not nearly as good as keeping up with this blog as some of you are...I actually forgot I had this blog site...ooops!

Update on me...I finally got a job! Though it's not in my industry of design, I am working for the Art Institute (Online Division) as a admissions representative. I'm just thankful I have a job...and a paycheck. I told myself when I was unemployed that I would never complain about my job again. Being unemployed for 5 months really made me see things differently.

Hope you all had a wonderful and safe 4th of July!!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

And the job search continues...

It is now day 83 of being unemployed...ugh! I never thought it would be this hard!! It definitely is a full time job looking for a full time job. And let me tell you's even more work (and very frustrating) to be dealing with the government issues like unemployment and healthcare! It's been almost 3 months now and I still haven't received an unemployment check. Even if you have a job right now you should apply for unemployment because by the time you actually DON'T have a may actually get your check in time. Grrrrr!! But on a light note...thanks to my mom, dad and grandma - helping me get through these crazy times!!

Click the link on the right
"My Resume" to view my resume